How important exactly is sleep? In fact VERY important. If you are suffering from sleep deprivation or insomnia many things could be occurring in your body that you are completely unaware of because you’ve become so accustomed to sleep deprivation. The body is...
There is a lot of information out there on eating healthy. How do you know what to believe and what is accurate information. Many of my patients come in feeling they eat healthy but after a 7 day diet diary and some dietary counseling they quickly realize that what...
Section One: Muscle Mass Increases Positive Outcomes of PRP When you are thinking of a joint consider the different parts. Muscles are meant to move the joint; the tendons and primarily the ligaments are the stabilizers. The cartilage is the cushion and the fluid is...
So you’ve had PRP before and you didn’t get the benefit you wanted whether it was for: Joint pain Injury Hair rejuvenation Or fine lines and wrinkles. There are only a couple of reasons this happened. The first and most important step prior to the actual procedure is...
(PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma for Joint Pain PRP is a method of regenerative medicine where your blood is extracted from you and then the plasma is injected back into the injured and/or painful joint to initiate a healing process in your stem cells that squelches chronic...
Long lasting Pain relief without medication: So often my patients come in on many types of pain medications. It seems now that opioids are off the table the medical world is throwing whatever they can at all different types of pain just to see what sticks. The...
To prevent cancer later there are many easy steps you can take today that will have significant and positive lasting effects on your health for years to come. Cancer occurs because our cells have gone under millions of mutations within our lifetime. Often mutations...
The leaves are beginning to change and we’ve just about turned the corner into fall. What better way to celebrate this transition then starting to focus less on salads and more on soups! Here is how to make your favorite chowder dairy free! Almost Dairy Free...
Are you looking for something simple, easy and that you can take with you to work for lunch or prepare quickly after work? Quinoa Salads are a great solution! Try the Recipe below it’s delicious! Southwestern Black Bean, Quinoa and Mango Medley Recipe from: The...
1) Showering: A quick rinse after spending time outdoors can help remove allergens from your skin and hair and prevent them from spreading to your clothes, furniture and pillowcases, and other surfaces where they are likely to bug you. Make sure to turn the shower on...